Monday, February 6, 2017

Emily Dahowski-Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?

Who Was Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart written by Yona Zeldis McDonough gives an in-depth look of Mozart's life. Growing up in a very musical family, Mozart found his love for music at a very young age.  Mozart began to play many instruments and over the span of 35 years composed over 600 concertos, sonatas, symphonies, and operas.  His success came with great effort and dedication.  Without his love of music, he would have not been able to compose as many, if not, pieces.  

Along with detailed information about Mozart's life, McDonough includes facts about the music, dress, and penmanship of the 18th century in the book as well.  This adds to background information to help understand Mozart's life.  I would use this book in the Middle School General music class to help teach about classical composers and musical structure from the 18th century.    

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