Tuesday, February 14, 2017

 Emma Dodd – Dog’s Colorful Day, A Messy Story about Colors and Counting

Dog’s Colorful Day is the story of a white pup with a black spot on his ear. The story takes children on a journey of Dog’s messy day. He begins his day by sitting under the table during breakfast when SPLAT! A drop of jam creates a red spot on Dog’s back, now Dog has two spots. After breakfast dog runs outside and encounters a man painting the door blue. He accidentally dips his tail into the paint. Now Dog has a new Blue spot, three spots in total. The book continues to take Dog an adventure where he gets many spots of many colors through different ways, on different areas of his body. This book is a useful tool to introduce children to colors, counting, and even the identification of body parts on a dog. They count the new spots each time and watch as Dog begins to develop a coat of colorful spots. A well rounded educational fun and creative book to enjoy in a pre-school classroom.

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