Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Scott Eriksen: World of Music - Europe by Patrick Allen

After giving a brief intro to European music, which most students would probably be more familiar with than other "world" musics, this book talks about what influenced music in Europe, and goes through the history up until popular music that is quite recent. It features bands like The Beatles, Deep Purple, and artists like John Coltrane. It also details important people in each genre, going through famous composers like Mozart, people I've mentioned above and others to really give students a grasp on the scope of music that happens in Europe. There really is a lot of musical history in Europe and this book does a good job of covering it all enough so that a basic understanding can be gained and then built upon in later lessons. In a classroom, I would use this to introduce students to music and then maybe have them pick a certain genre to do more specific research on, since this really just does an introduction to a whole lot of genres.

Image result for World of Music Europe Patrick Allen

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