Monday, February 13, 2017

Paintings: A First Discovery Art Book

PAINTINGS is an interactive book that studies the works of masters.  The book takes the readers through several paintings and emphasize specific details in order to learn about the art.  The picture book contains transparent pages that give clues to how the paintings were made, what techniques were used, what the artist was trying to convey.  For example, the book illustrates a magnifying glass on a detail shot of one of Georges Seurat's paintings to identify the technique being used: pointillism.  Towards the end of the book, the author and illustrator takes the readers to a gallery from paintings around the world.  This book is useful in the classroom as it can help students practice art looking, observation, and critique.  Critique is an important language (and literacy, i.e. written critiques) exercise in the art classroom.  Critique will help students how to extract meaning from works, and how to create meaning in their own (and others') work.

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