Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Cesar Mendoza - Zin! Zin! Zin! a Violin

Image result for zin zin zin a violinZin! Zin! Zin a Violin, by Lloyd Moss and illustrated by Morjorie Priceman, is by far the most educational and accessible book I have explored in this project. I can see this book being introduced in a General Music classroom. The book exposes students to every instrument family and does it by counting to the number ten. As each number increases and a member is added to the group, the book gives the student the name for the music group. ie. solo, duet, trio etc... Every page is set up with a quatrain (AABB) so the students feel a repeating pattern that they can grasp on to to make sense of the story. The illustrations complement the story very well and makes for a great book that can be introduced in early elementary school. 

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