Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Scott Eriksen: K-Pop - Korea's Musical Explosion by Stuart A. Kallen

This book has a really in depth overview of Korean Pop music. Maybe just because I'm not familiar with it, but there was a lot of information in here. It is divided into sections based on the beginnings of K Pop, studios that output the most popular music, how K-Pop has spread outside of Korea, and then finally about the style that is K-Pop. There are a lot of pictures of artists and performing groups in this book that would help students get a little familiar with the genre. What would really help students though, is the playlists at the end of each section with band names, albums and song titles, as well as a more comprehensive album playlist in the back of the book. K-Pop has been a thing in the states since around 2012 so we are still learning about it, and this book could help me in the classroom teach students about what this more new genre of music is.
Image result for kpop korea's musical explosion

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