Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Jeff Rollins - Meet the Orchestra

Meet the Orchestra
Ann Hayes
Illustrated by Karmen Thompson

Meet the Orchestra is a great way to show kids almost all of the instruments involved in a symphony orchestra. It shows all of the members of the string family, all of the orchestral members of the woodwind family, and almost all of the members of the brass family. Not only that, but they are introduced in score order. This is extremely important, because with this information you can show students what score order is with an example of a real score, after reading this book. This book pays attention to a small detail that can provide a huge amount of information for a young musician. This book introduces every instrument with a great amount of detail such as how to play it, the different timbres capable of being produced, and ways that the instrument can emote. This book is a very good read for a young student learning to play an instrument to learn about a bigger ensemble.

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