Monday, February 20, 2017

Quinten Breach - From a Distance

     In this book by Julie Gold, From a Distance is a children’s book that has a slightly disturbing hidden message found in between the lines of the page. The illustrations by Jane Ray are also equally as frightening, yet these both have an accurate reason to be in the book. In a general sense, Gold refers to a land that is filled with sustainability, including perfect health, lack of hunger and world “without evil.” However, the problem arises midway through the book when “the war” is introduced. In summary, this idea of war and conflict is the issue that leads to poor health, starvation and poverty to name a few. Gold mentions in her epilogue that she hopes one day that war is considered more critically than what it is today, God-willing. Despite the religious aspect, the message is clear and should be taken into consideration when instructing and educating children to read and become literate with these types of novels, especially with the art of music.

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