Vance Bollinger – Latin America and the Caribbean (World of
By Andrew Solway
In my class MUS 240, Introduction to Music Education, we are
currently learning about the importance of “culturally responsive
teaching.” This simply means allowing
children of any culture the space they need to feel welcomed, empowered, and
able to express themselves, regardless of their culture. I think including books like this one into my
future teaching will be key in teaching material that could be relevant to students
from diverse backgrounds.
This book teaches about various musical genres from Latin
American and Caribbean origins, such as the dance forms samba, mambo, rumba,
and tango, in addition to putting them into geographical and historical
context. I like that it talks not only
about the influence of Europe’s colonization of these areas and how that
influenced the music’s developments through time, but it also provides great
illustrations of various terms that not all students would be familiar with. It would be great to use as source to
contextualize material for primary grade students in a general music classroom.
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