Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Mozart: The Boy Who Changed the World with His Music - Austin Coe

Mozart: The Boy Who Changed the World with His Music by Marcus Weeks is an amazing historical biography about the prodigy Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Mozart was an incredibly gifted child with unmatched musical skill. It is a longer children's book, so it could be a good for a week long discussion. The book does have many pictures that go along with each section talking about a specific part of Mozart's life. It is chock full of musical vocabulary such as "overture", "melody", or "concerto". I think this would be good fore younger middle school students who are learning more in-depth music concepts and vocabulary. It's a fabulous book to teach musical history, terms, instruments, etc. It is a longer book so I do think if you were to introduce the entire book to a class it would have to be divided into different sections over the course of a week. You could even have different groups of students read and learn different parts of the book or aspects of Mozart's life. I'm glad this book exists to give children an accurate idea of what one of the greatest child prodigies was like.

Image result for Mozart: The Boy Who Changed the World with His Music by Marcus Weeks

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