Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Alison LeBeda - Ben's Trumpet

Ben's Trumpet by Rachel Isadora is another wonderful kid's book about how music is for everyone. It focuses on a little boy named Ben who is absolutely fascinated with Jazz and often spends his evenings listening to the sounds of the nearby jazz club. He walks around with his "trumpet" and pretends to play music for everyone to hear. He becomes discouraged when a group of other kids make fun of him because his horn is imaginary, but one of the musicians from the Jazz club offers to help Ben learn how to play a real instrument. Instruments can be expensive, but the moral of this story is to not let that discourage you from submerging yourself in music. It is a valuable lesson that can be taught to young people especially, and it's important to remind kids that they should always be motivated to continue their passions, no matter what they are.

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