Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Jeff Rollins-Brass Instruments

Brass Instruments
Sharon Sharth

Brass Instruments by Sharon Sharth is a book that details some basic knowledge about brass instruments. This book takes us through how to produce sounds on a brass instrument, some different ways to manipulate the sounds, and the basic instruments of the family. It does a good job of equally showcasing all of the major brass instruments, without going into too many specific nuances about them. This book is a good read for elementary level students looking to join a school band program, who don’t know anything about brass instruments. There are a lot of pictures that add a lot to the text, including showing some different, less common instruments that didn’t get their own page in the book. There are a lot of different types of brass instruments, and this book does a great job of giving a basic knowledge of the main four instruments, as well as introduces some of the other more obscure ones.

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