Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Drummer Boy - Austin Coe

Drummer Boy by Loren Long is a great children's book to read to your musical student's around the holidays. The story is that a young boy receives a toy drummer boy as a Christmas present. The young boy accidentally loses the drummer boy and cannot find it. The drummer boy is taken all over the town. To the city dump, a bell tower, a hawk's nest, and then finally returns home. The boy is so happy to find him. When the drummer boy was traveling around the town he would play his drums and make others happy about the holiday season. He brought joy into their lives when they didn't have any. The words that are written when he plays are in different groups of three, four, and five. This is a great way to teach children about different rhythmic patterns and mixed meter. It also has a very good message about music and how it can make others happy. I would read this book with younger student's that are starting to dive into the more difficult parts about rhythm.

Image result for drummer boy by loren long

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