Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Going to a Concert by Melinda Radabaugh - Erica Kennington

Going to a Concert by Melinda Radabaugh - Erica Kennington

Image result for Going to a Concert Melinda Radabaugh

Going to a Concert by Melinda Radabaugh is an early reader's children's book that explains what you might see and do at a concert. It explains buying the ticket and following the usher to your seat in a theater, or maybe the concert will be at a school or outside. Then you will see either musicians, dancers, or singers on stage, and that the performers might wear costumes and you should clap when the song is over. It explains that it is normal to see instruments, music, and programs as well. While this does not teach about any specific instruments or music itself, it is important to know that concerts are an important part of a musicians life and that it is important to follow proper concert etiquette.

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