Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nina Chamberlin- ¡Marimba!: Animales from A to Z by Pat Mora:

This book tells the fictional tale of a zoo full of fun-loving animals throwing a party inspired and driven by a monkey playing a marimba. Once the zookeepers are asleep, he reader is taken on an alphabetical tour of the festivities, and with every letter of the alphabet, the readers get to learn an animal’s Spanish name. This book has a great place in music classrooms because it not only shows how music  can bring people together, but it shows the beauty of including and celebrating other cultures. During the party, the animals are enjoying Hispanic foods, dances, and musical styles, and it is important for children to see many and all cultures celebrated in their early lives. This way, they are not fearful of people who are not exactly like them when they grow older.

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