Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Nina Chamberlin-  Boo-Hoo Moo by Margie Palatini:
This book follows a set of barnyard animals in their quest to lift the spirits of one of their friends. Their friend, a cow, has been mooing in a very sad and undesirable tone, and the animals are tired of hearing it. They decide that the cow is sad because she has no one to sing with, so the friends decide to construct a singing ensemble for her. It is revealed, through this process, that the animals would also like to share some of this spotlight, and they would all like to be a part of the ensemble they are creating. After creating this ensemble, they present it to their cow friend only to find out that she has given up singing to become a dancer. Although this book does a great job of drawing attention to the musical sounds animals make, it also shines a light on people acting for the best interest of themselves over their friends. If I were to teach this book, I would use these concepts to help my students self-reflect on their actions in their own lives.

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