Tuesday, January 31, 2017

Angela Kucharski- "Tuba Lesson"

“Tuba Lesson” is by T.C Bartlett and Monique Felix. The story begins with a mother telling his son not to be late to his Tuba lesson as he walks out the door. The boy gets distracted in many ways along the way including climbing trees, running into animals,  and running into a bear! Finally the boy gets to his tuba lesson. The book doesn't have very direct lessons but it has subtle lessons. When the animals start making noises at the boy the smaller animals have smaller music notes come out of them, while the bigger animals have larger notes. And when the bear comes out and growls he has the largest music note of all! This is teaching kids about dynamics and that there is a difference between loud and softs. Also throughout the whole story the boy is walking on five lines which is suppose to represent the lines and spaces of the music staves. This again is subtle but good for kids to start connecting notes and staff lines. 

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